Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What a Day!
Well, I had big plans today - I was going to pull out some warm clothes...flip flops and capri's are now out of weather style, I was going to try to design a scrapbook page for November's class - so many plans...all that was thwarted by the high fever of my eldest child, Erica, and the cough of my youngest, Olivia. Olivia is my drama queen. She felt like her cough wasn't dramatic enough so she piped it up a little. She didn't really care that her sister can't talk, she is just mad because I wasn't taking her temperature as much as I was Erica. I am so thankful for my in-laws - they are such wonderful grandparents. I hope to one day grandparent like they do - they are always so willing to help. They kept the girls for an hour so I could raid Kroger for every available cough medicine on the market - I just made the dow go up, so buy Kroger stock! Through all that, I am still thankful to the Lord that he made their little bodies to fight off germs and to know that when they are sick..."Mommy, we'll just pray to Jesus, and he will let Erica talk in the morning" A child will lead them! God Bless